- Friendly and loving community - High positions open - Seventy word count minimum - Various plots awaiting - LGBTQ+ Friendly - Open staff positions who have experienced staff - And so much more! Rules || History || FAQ || Allegiances || Advertise
Originally, it started out as the three clans, TideClan, CoastClan, and SumacClan, and alongside the Tribe of Gushing Waters. The four had gotten along relatively well at first, but things weren't always so smooth. Conflict would begin and take sharp curves, bringing them to where they are now. Each clan had fresh leaders and deputies, prepared to make their reigns and possibly shift the rules. Eventually, the Tempus was formed, which is an original group with unique ranks that are explained on the site. However, little do the other five allegiances know of the presence of The Rezima, a group of twoleg-abandoned kittypets on the near island outside of SumacClan. There are many mysterious to be discovered within Zenith and so many ideas and plots to be explored and discussed. We're trying to add an extra level of fun by adding two other original groups with different hierarchies.